There are two issues I saw last weekend that really caught my attention. This is not because I was really affected by the news, but because of their surprising similarity in terms of effect on their audience, particularly me. These news were: a) Another rumors of coup attempt, and b) Kris’ marriage to Purefoods cager James Yap.
Last weekend (actually even up to today), news about a coup plot by middle-aged military soldiers are unraveling, following the recent jueteng scandals involving the first gentleman, the Presidential son, and the Presidential brother-in-law and official fall-guy, Iggy Arroyo. Now, another new issue has been revealed about a tape containing alleged conversations of the President and a COMELEC Commissioner, which makes the situations worse. These, according to military assets, are the reasons behind the coup plot.
On the other hand, Kris Aquino is, once again, planning to marry former UE Warriors and current Purefoods clutch man Jame Yap. They got together in May, and after a month of dating, they finally decided (?!) to tie the knot. So far, Kris has revealed the plan via her weekly talk show “The Buzz,” however, James Yap has not been available for comment since then. They plan to marry on February 2006.
Two issues with totally different genres. One is highly political, the other is highly… Showbiz. What caught my attention is their apparent similarities. Let me elaborate:
First, both issues lack credibility. After a series of corruption scandals from top military officials (read: Garcia, Ligot, Rabusa, et. al.); followed by sex scandals and shoplifting news of one top PMA graduate; plus the P19 million sidewalk beautification project of Camp Aguinaldo and the Boracay Resort project, the public lost confidence on the AFP. Thus, if ever we have a coup attempt in the offing, I don’t think it will elicit enough public support to overthrow the government. Not yet, that is. Coup plots have already been in the political arena since the public dethrone the military from power during the EDSA I revolution. And naturally, those who once had power want their power back. Nothing new in this scene.
The same goes for Kris Aquino. I think this lady is just born to love. She just loved everyone that has been linked to her. And I think she has loved everyone of them so much, she always planned of marrying them. From Eric Quizon, to Philip Salvador, to Robin Padilla, to Mark Lapid, to James Yap. As far as I know, they all planned to marry Kris. Or is it the other way around? Just last year, Kris jokingly said in “The Buzz,” saying “Baka next year (that means 2005), Mrs. Lapid na ako.” Now, at 2005, no Mrs. Lapids were transformed, only a future Mrs. Yap by next year… Again.
Second, both issues lack depth. The military is so compulsive on acting towards issues that affect the current Presidency, making their actions futile. Personally, I think their actions lack timing. You cannot attempt a coup when your credibility is at an all-time low. Unlike in other countries, public support is very much needed in order to succeed in any action in the Philippines.
Kris, on the other hand, has been an impulsive talker on screen. That is the reason why she has been in many controversies before. And now, she has said another one. She doesn’t seem to think before acting.
Third, both issues are sellout. I think I don’t need to elaborate on this matter.
Finally, I think both issues will not prosper or succeed. It will just come and hit the headlines, but they will eventually die down. Who believes that Kris would marry, anyway? Well, maybe I am just skeptic in these two issues.
There may be other reasons why I linked Kris with the Military uprising. The bottom line of my entry today is that news can always be a source of entertainment. You want political entertainment, turn on the front pages. You want pure entertainment, you switch to showbiz.
It is just sad to note that these are just few of the shallow headliners that often capture the front pages of newspapers today. If we look closer, there are no front page news on the development aspect, or new legislation, or anything that could uplift the morale of the Filipino people. We dwell so much on politicking, bickering, mudslinging, and war-mongering. People, especially those in power, seem to forget the real problems that beset the Philippine society. The problem, in fact, is them…
I have nothing against Kris Aquino or the military, I just made them an example to send my message across…
Ayan, nagpakarelevant na naman ako…
Trivia trivia
Did you know: Eddie Gil ran for Senator in 2001 before he ran for President in 2004. In both instances, he posted the lowest votes.