Friday, December 25, 2009


Another countdown begins. Today I sent my lady to the airport to work in the States. I'll be counting another 350 days to see her again.

So what's in a year? A year is simply:
1. 12 visits to the barber
2. 26 cinema changes
3. 1 NBA season
4. 52 Church sessions
5. 12 paydays
6. 1 Valentine's Day, 1 Easter Sunday, and 1 Halloween
7. 1 Birthday
8. 52 Friday Madness nights

Wish I could borrow Adam Sandler's remote in Click so I could make a fast forward to December 2010. But of course, stupid fantasies aside, I will have to make do with the reality of having to wait for 350 days. I just have to keep myself busy with work. Sanity check as well from time to time.

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