Monday, October 06, 2014

Day 27 -- Rehearsals

That goes for me as well. Dear cousin Philip is getting married on October 4 and I was asked to be the "official" photographer... Oh what a task. I think on this day, I was more nervous than the groom.

I always wanted to perfect my secret life of being a photographer. However, I do not entertain the thought of doing a once-in-a-lifetime event like a wedding. I just hate the feeling of anxiety of ensuring that the moments will be cherished just how they like it to be remembered. What if my camera breaks? What if the memory card breaks? What if I lose batteries in the middle of the event? But then again I couldn't say no to Kuya Philip. He's not only a first cousin, but also a treasured childhood friend. When he said that he wanted me to cover the wedding, instantly (though a bit reluctant and doubting of my talents) I said yes.

So along with the entourage, I tried to practice my shots the day before the wedding. :)

3 October 2014

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