Friday, October 24, 2014


That is how I could describe the Washington Monument that night. And every night for that matter. Everytime I take some friends and family for an afternoon or evening tour, the sight of the towering monument never fails to amaze me. Thanks to cousins Froy and Noemi, I was able to capture the tower again, with a renewed appreciation of the towering obelisk as it majestically rules the Washington, DC air.

During this night, Kuyang Froy said: "Do you have a photo of the monument from this point?" I quickly said yes. But then I did it again just to make sure I really do have a shot from this angle.

This was taken from the Franklin D. Roosevelt memorial grounds.

Welcome to DC, Kuyang Froy, Ate Noemi!

365-day challenge, Day 39
16 October 2014

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