Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Remember 031111

A magnitude 9.0 earthquake will go down in history as one of this generation's strongest, most devastating earthquakes. MY hear goes out to our Japanese brothers and sisters whose houses, livelihood, lives were destroyed by the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that struck the eastern waters on March 11. I pray that you will recover fast, that the world will conspire to bring you back on your feet, that this will be the last of the flurry of strong earthquakes of the century.

Just a month back, New Zealand's Christchurch area was struck with an equally destructive earthquake. I hope Japan's is the last of the wave...

Next problem is the radiation. I hope it get;s contained in time. And doomsayers, rumor-mongers, and stupid Twitter-writers, stop making unfounded, stupid, irresponsible comments on the internet, or via text messaging. The world is already in much stress. Don't make it worse. You should just stick to rumor stories on Charlie Sheen, KC and Piolo, or President Noy's love life! Stop making baseless stories (or even jokes!) on very serious matters like this.

The video below was from, a footage from the media outfit Al-Jazeera.

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