Monday, October 20, 2014


On the way home from a brief sleepover in Cambridge, OH, we decided to stop by at any restaurant near the MD-WV-PA area, just 90 miles to go from DC. We came across this quaint little town in west Maryland, for which we thought of stopping by at Hardee's (more remembered by Pinoys as Carl's Jr.). On the way to the burger chain, we came across a pretty interesting restaurant named Buddy Lou's Eats, Drinks and Antiques. Forget about Hardee's; we decided to go local and ate there instead.

And we were never wrong in our decision. Buddy Lou's served great Lobster Roll, Beef taquito, and Pork Belly sandwich (those were the ones we tried, but I'm sure the other sandwiches were great, too)! This is a must-visit stopover if you're driving along I-76 going west of MD. Thanks for the sandwich.

Photo of the Day is not the sandwich nor Buddy Lou's, but the house in front of it. Houses like this are a common sight in Hancock, giving the small town the good old-fashioned vibe.

Day 35, 365-day challenge
12 October 2014

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